This page is not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional !

I was trying to make a page XHTML compatible when this message came up

Line 32 column 185: non SGML character number 146.I got 22 such errors.

MS Word was the culprit. The content for the page came from a doc typed by someone – God knows whom . I saved the doc as .txt and the the errors indicated by the XHTML validator turned into question marks.

Fixed them and the page is now

This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!


Published by

Varun Krish

Varun Krish has been dabbling with computers and websites for almost 2 decades. He has traveled to over 30 countries and hopes to visit every country on earth one day. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of and also advises startups and product companies on how to build better products. You can follow him on @varunkrish

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