
Making Apache,XAMPP and IIS work together

I have setup XAMPP at work. It comes with Apache 2, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and a whole bunch of stuff.

The Apache resides at

http://localhost (port:80)

I installed Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition and also setup IIS via Windows Control Panel as I wanted to try MSSQL Server Express Edition .

Now after installing IIS, Apache Refused to start.

[code lang=”php”]Only one usage of each socket address
is normally petmitted. :make_sock could not bound to address:
no listening sockets available , shutting down
Unable to open logs
[/code]It was because there was a conflict in the port 80.

Now i went to the website properties in IIS and changed the port no to 9090 from 80.

Now restarted IIS and tried to start apache

Now similar error but diff port

[code lang=”php”] Only one usage of each socket address
is normally petmitted. :make_sock could not bound to address:
no listening sockets available , shutting down
Unable to open logs

[/code]Now i suspected the conflict was in the SSL port so tried digging through the XAMPP files.

found this file httpd-ssl.conf in \\apache\conf\extra\

Navigate to this line.

[code lang=”php”]# When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the
# standard HTTP port (see above) and to the HTTPS port
# Note: Configurations that use IPv6 but not IPv4-mapped addresses need two
# Listen directives: “Listen [::]:443” and “Listen”

Listen 443

[/code]change 443 to say some port like 4499

1 more change

[code lang=”php”]# General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot “c:/web/xampp/htdocs”ServerName localhost:4499
ServerAdmin admin@localhost

[/code]Voila !!!

Now i can run IIS and Apache parallelly 😀

That means i can work with ASP and PHP at the same time

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