
Web 2.0 ââ?¬â?? A medley of technologies

Good news for the users is Internet will not be boring anymore, as mundane and less interactive websites are becoming a thing of the past; the reason being Web 2.0 taking over the entire Internet platform. The future is very bright for highly interactive, rich web applications which are possible with Web 2.0 and a handful of web tool applications like Gmail & Orkut of Google and Flickr of Yahoo are already into using this Web 2.0, thereby tempting others to emulate them.

Popularized by O�Reily media and MediaLive International, Web 2.0 is considered to be the second phase or generation of architecture and application development for the World Wide Web. The applications in Web 2.0 often use a combination of techniques in which Ajax plays a pivotal role. Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (Ajax) is a development technique employed for designing interactive web applications, wherein web pages are made more responsive by designing the application such that data in small amounts are exchanged with the server. This eliminates the need to reload the entire page each time as the user makes a change and this signifies increased speed,bandwidth,interactivity of the web page.

Of late, many concepts and technologies have been developed under the tutelage of Web 2.0, which are mostly characterized by features like flexibility to share and reuse information, open communication, decentralised authority etc. Blogs,wikis,RSS,social networking softwares such as digg, serve as examples of Web 2.0 based applications.

As we move into the future, Internet will be as storehouse of terabytes and Pico bytes of information which will be available for sharing to all. This will solely be presided over by the use of advanced technologies but as of now, Web 2.0 is still in the stages of infancy taking time to reach great heights.

Revenue generation in Internet will become a matter of conflict since Internet marketers might have a tough time in the Web 2.0 era. Many new concepts like podcasting, interstitial advertising might gain predominance with the increased use of advanced web technologies as they are steadily becoming popular in the development circles.

Online advertising is one area that should be prudently watched, as it possesses a plethora of importance. The online advertising industry had undergone a healthy transformation under the aegis of Google Adsense and Yahoo Publisher Network (still in beta stage), conforming to the use of Web 2.0 development techniques.

Web 2.0 has invoked many criticisms one of which claims Web 2.0 to be no different from its predecessor Web 1.0 as the former is built up from the technologies and concepts of the former. Still, Web 2.0 with its increased usage and benefits promises a very prosperous and amiable future for the Internet users.

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